QEMU<->ACPI BIOS memory hotplug interface

ACPI BIOS GPE.3 handler is dedicated for notifying OS about memory hot-add and hot-remove events.

Memory hot-plug interface (IO port 0xa00-0xa17, 1-4 byte access)

Read access behavior


Lo part of memory device phys address


Hi part of memory device phys address


Lo part of memory device size in bytes


Hi part of memory device size in bytes


Memory device proximity domain


Memory device status fields



Device is enabled and may be used by guest


Device insert event, used to distinguish device for which no device check event to OSPM was issued. It’s valid only when bit 1 is set.


Device remove event, used to distinguish device for which no device eject request to OSPM was issued.


reserved and should be ignored by OSPM



Write access behavior


Memory device slot selector, selects active memory device. All following accesses to other registers in 0xa00-0xa17 region will read/store data from/to selected memory device.


OST event code reported by OSPM


OST status code reported by OSPM


reserved, writes into it are ignored


Memory device control fields



reserved, OSPM must clear it before writing to register. Due to BUG in versions prior 2.4 that field isn’t cleared when other fields are written. Keep it reserved and don’t try to reuse it.


if set to 1 clears device insert event, set by OSPM after it has emitted device check event for the selected memory device


if set to 1 clears device remove event, set by OSPM after it has emitted device eject request for the selected memory device


if set to 1 initiates device eject, set by OSPM when it triggers memory device removal and calls _EJ0 method


reserved, OSPM must clear them before writing to register

Selecting memory device slot beyond present range has no effect on platform:

  • write accesses to memory hot-plug registers not documented above are ignored

  • read accesses to memory hot-plug registers not documented above return all bits set to 1.

Memory hot remove process diagram

+-------------+     +-----------------------+      +------------------+
|  1. QEMU    |     | 2. QEMU               |      |3. QEMU           |
|  device_del +---->+ device unplug request +----->+Send SCI to guest,|
|             |     |         cb            |      |return control to |
|             |     |                       |      |management        |
+-------------+     +-----------------------+      +------------------+


+---------------------+              +-------------------------+
| OSPM:               | remove event | OSPM:                   |
| send Eject Request, |              | Scan memory devices     |
| clear remove event  +<-------------+ for event flags         |
|                     |              |                         |
+---------------------+              +-------------------------+
+---------v--------+            +-----------------------+
| Guest OS:        |  success   | OSPM:                 |
| process Ejection +----------->+ Execute _EJ0 method,  |
| request          |            | set eject bit in flags|
+------------------+            +-----------------------+
          |failure                         |
          v                                v
+------------------------+      +-----------------------+
| OSPM:                  |      | QEMU:                 |
| set OST event & status |      | call device unplug cb |
| fields                 |      |                       |
+------------------------+      +-----------------------+
         |                                  |
         v                                  v
+------------------+              +-------------------+
|QEMU:             |              |QEMU:              |
|Send OST QMP event|              |Send device deleted|
|                  |              |QMP event          |
+------------------+              |                   |